Monday, July 12, 2010

Why don't we take global warming to heart?

Why don't we in America take global warming more seriously? Why doesn't the international community take it more seriously? It is going to take decades of research and development to find a suitable replacement for fossil fuels, and cost a whole lot of money. Private companies don’t have the desire to commit themselves to seriously pursing this, because right now the technology doesn’t exist to produce an alternative source of energy on a world wide scale that can be supported by consumers. It will take the government to get involved and its going to cost a lot of money. Is there a more justifiable cause to spend our tax dollars on? No! There is not another planet that we can pack up and move to after we’ve screwed this one up too bad.

The Kyoto Protocol is totally inadequate. It puts practically all the financial burden on America, and doesn’t do anything to mandate the two countries that pollute the most, China and India, to take measures that help stop their pollution.

Why don't we take global warming to heart?
To make money for yourself is the root of every government decision, laziness and greed will always rule unless there is a change of mindset with the country as a whole.
Reply:Because to be able to pollute, cut down rainforests and clear them, mine and dredge and fish and use resources irresponsibly MAKES A TON OF MONEY and those who are benefitting from all these economic activities have no reason to stop or bother..

How much are you willing to give up to ensure the world becomes a better place? Would you want to live in a smaller house? Give up your private transport. Walk to work. Eat a lot less meat and processed food. Give up most electrical applicances in the home? Sounds extreme? Well for the rest of the world, that's daily life..

So yeah there's legislation and people at the top and all that but how big a change are you really ready to make? Until that happens, it's more hot air..
Reply:Okay, here we go, so the Earth's temp. has risen 1.1 degrees F in the last century, but did you know that most of that was before 1940?! Hmmmmm, now that seems to me that that was before CFCs and all the man-made green house gas that are suppose to be responsible for global warming. I'm sorry but the science doesn't pan out for every scientist that you can find that believes in global warming I can find one that doesn't. What really kills me is that meterologist can't accurately predict the weather 10 days in advance what makes you think that ANYONE can predict it for even a year in advance much less 100 years or a thousand. Don't fall for the hype and don't be dragged into Kyoto or any other treaty that will ruin our economy. It isn't worth it.
Reply:The globe has been warming since the end of the last ice age. We are not the cause.
Reply:Why don't we take global warming to heart?

Well, first of all, I think the entire world is 'spoiled'. We're too used of the 'convenience' of having all that we take for granted and that includes those people who drive to their damn mail box, instead of walking. Or those people who drive continuously, all throughout the day, knowing they could have done everything in one trip.

It's all a matter of convenience and technology.

Of course the factories and businesses are not going to take matters into their own hands, because that would cost them millions, billions and even trillions out of the economy.

As the saying goes:

Oil %26amp; Fuel companies, globally, shutting down - $40,000,000,000,000.00

Transportation factories (vehicles) coming to a stand-still - $100,000,000,000.00

Losing Planet Earth to a careless Global Warming (preventable) - PRICELESS
Reply:Did america sign that?
Reply:We don't take it to heart because of corporate greed and our lust for cheap chinese goods from Wal-Mart.
Reply:i'm letting the next generation worry about it.

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