how do we eliminate it? Pork Barrel Spending - The Absurd
$107,000 to study the sex life of the Japanese quail.
$1.2 million to study the breeding habits of the woodchuck.
$150,000 to study the Hatfield-McCoy feud.
$84,000 to find out why people fall in love.
$1 million to study why people don't ride bikes to work.
$19 million to examine gas emissions from cow flatulence.
$144,000 to see if pigeons follow human economic laws.
Funds to study the cause of rudeness on tennis courts and examine smiling patterns in bowling alleys.
$219,000 to teach college students how to watch television.
$2 million to construct an ancient Hawaiian canoe.
$20 million for a demonstration project to build wooden bridges.
$160,000 to study if you can hex an opponent by drawing an X on his chest.
$800,000 for a restroom on Mt. McKinley.
$100,000 to study how to avoid falling spacecraft.
$16,000 to study the operation of the komungo, a Korean stringed instrument.
$1 million to preserve a sewer in Trenton, NJ, as a historic monument.
$6,000 for a document on Worcestershire sauce.
$10,000 to study the effect of naval communications on a bull's potency.
$100,000 to research soybean-based ink.
$1 million for a Seafood Consumer Center.
$57,000 spent by the Executive Branch for gold-embossed playing cards on Air Force Two.
Total: $ 45,980,000
Pork the other white meat? Or an example of how little our elected officals care about our hard earned taxes?
Insane isn't it, and I get sick to my stomach every time I look at my paycheck noting how much the corruptament stole from me, and then used the stolen money for the items that you listed, as well as many more failed communistic corruptament programs that our mentally disturbed so-called representatives unconstitutionally legislate. Due to this corruptament insanity, I cannot afford my own needs and wants, because I'm forced to pay for the needs and wants of outlaws such as illegal aliens, and the low down lazy low-life loafers that abuse the so-called "Welfare" system. "AAAAAAAAAHHH! AAAAAAHHH! just to quote Sam Kennison, it's the only relief I have:(
Reply:At least these are somewhat functional. How much money goes to people so that they can have the pleasure to sit on their azz?
Reply:You know I wish I could just blame 1 party for this, but I can't. I would like to see the federal government do only what it was supposed to do. Provide for the common defense and handle the mail. The states were supposed to involve themselves in writing of laws and education. The reasoning being that they were closer to the citizens then the feds were. Maybe the senate and congress should only meet every couple of years like they do in the states. Then they couldn't mess us up so bad.
Reply:its only money..........
Reply:OK, what's your point?
(Just kidding, loved the article)
Reply:By doing, exactly what you are doing.. Letting the people know what their money is buying...
*** Can you list the source of this so???
Reply:Source please?
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