Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Have you heard about the latest health scare from United Press...?

Consumers, not just factory workers, may be in danger from fumes from buttery flavoring in microwave popcorn, according to a warning letter to federal regulators from a doctor at a leading lung research hospital.

What next? Can you believe all this crap?

Have you heard about the latest health scare from United Press...?
Pretty soon we will unable to breath, eat or sleep. Everything is bad for us!

I say forget it all....enjoy life. If it all gonna kill us, we might as well enjoy the ride!
Reply:I'm still going to eat popcorn and microwave it too.
Reply:yes, if it isnt one thing, then it is another
Reply:Don't eat yellow snow....
Reply:i saw that this morning........i'm waiting for the news flash that lettuce has been fattening all along....
Reply:What ?!! You mean I can't even have FAKE butter now?!? Damn you... damn you all to helllll!!!!
Reply:you know... puppies are so cute, they cause cancer too
Reply:yes, everything is going crazy now!
Reply:No, I don't let minor stuff like this worry me. It's exaggerated.
Reply:It's always something. We are in danger every time we go out the door. I don't know who or how these dangers are discovered.
Reply:Yeah, I heard about the latest health scare to hit the US.....apparently, a really bad case of the stupids is going around.
Reply:Guess I better stop inhaling the popcorn.

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