Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Are you sick of neo-cons putting down Liberals as useless?

How about some of these accomplishments:

Interstate Highway systems proposed by Roosevelt

The GI Bill

Labor laws

Marshall Plan

Environmental laws

Food Safety Laws

Work Place Safety Laws

Social Security

Space Program

Peace Corps

Civil Rights Movement

The Internet

Tennessee Valley Project

Public Health

Morrill Land Grant Act

Rural Electrofication

Public Universities

Bank Deposit Insurance

Earned Income Tax Credit

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Family and Medical Leave Act

Consumer Product and Safety Commission

Public Broadcasting

Universal Public Education

National Weather Service

Scientific Research

Product Labeling Truth in Advertising

Women's Right to Vote.

Come on Neo-Cons, show us your list.

Are you sick of neo-cons putting down Liberals as useless?
LMAO not ONE Republican (is it still alright to call you "Republican"? You havent changed it again to like "Repub-American" or "God-Fearing Pedophiles"?) could put down ANYTHING in the Republican list.

Here lemme help...

Medical Tort Reform (Means you can't sue your doctor for leaving a fork in you)

Outsourcing US jobs to China, Taiwan, India and Mexico (not real patriotic, but when money is your God, you do whatever you have to, including selling your country and your birthright down the drain, but it's ok, cuz yer makin' MONEY)

Patent Law Reform: Prescription drugs are exclusive to the company which invented them for 7 years, before cheaper generic versions my be introduced, it USED to be 5 years- Grandma says THANKS Repubs).

The "All Child Labor is Created Equal" Program, otherwise known as the "No 5 Year Old Left Behind When the Factory Needs Employees at $1.00 a week"

The Patriot Act (means if you dont act like a Patriot, theyll spy on you)

Union "Norming"- Labor Unions have been under attack for years from them- but it's ok because we can TRUST WalMart to pay their employees a living wage and pay them for all worked overtime (and they dont hire illegals);

Tax Breaks for the Ultra Wealthy (you know cuz Big Oil only made $160 Billion last year, of course they need our subsidies, WAY more than that working Mom with 2 kids over there in the Food Stamp line), while the rest of us schulbs pay higher STATE taxes to make up for the Federal shortfalls.

Cutting Soldiers' Pay and Benefits twice before giving a less than the cost of living increase in January (oops that was DEMS did that, sorry);

Vehemently supports the Military, just don't embarrass them by asking where and when they actually served, cuz they didn't (Making money was more important than defending the country);
Reply:Still doesn't differentiate between the great liberals of yesteryear, and the lunatic liberals we have today. Report Abuse

Reply:Neo-cons can't show you there list because they don't have one. All they care about are themselves. They are blind to anything else.
Reply:not really. i let them bark like the little puppies they are.
Reply:Remember that Neo-cons are liberals?

I have to mention that those are very beneficial to us as a whole. %26lt;---not sarcasm :)
Reply:They can't read anything that doesn't have bullet points so I doubt they will respond.

Beatiful list though.
Reply:If you don't want to be called useless. Get a job.

We don't want to pay higher taxes for your social hand-out programs.

Um, nice list.....does that mean liberals haven't done anything since the 1950's?
Reply:Nah, the more some of them post, the more sure I am that they will lose more seats in Congress along with the White House in 08'. They are currently doing for democrats what democrats can't do for their own party, pulling America together to vote against republicans.
Reply:I never said you were useless. Just ignorant and myopic.

Besides, many of the things you list would be considered blasphemously unConstitutional by the people who wrote the Constitution.

There is no Constitutional authorization whatsoever for the following government expenditures or usurpation of power:

Social Security

Tennessee Valley Project

Public Health

Morrill Land Grant Act

Rural Electrofication

Public Universities

Bank Deposit Insurance

Family and Medical Leave Act

Public Broadcasting

Universal Public Education

Also, as I point out, with not a small amount of schadenfreude, I look at the city Detroit as the ultimate result of "liberal" policies. Are you telling me that Detroit is the epitome of the "liberal" paradise?
Reply:And You think it quite ok to say "neocon"

when is the only other time you here the word neo?neo nazi

and your neolib tactics of attempting to make the right sound like nazis is disturbing and wrong

Im not syain you invented the term but youare using it
Reply:Since when did "the Liberals" give us the Internet?

The "internet" is a project funded and developed by the Department of Defense (and black programs of other agencies) as a way to monitor the activities of average Americans.
Reply:You are extremely naive to think that all of these are strictly liberal accomplishments. Scientific research, so all scientists are liberals? Space program is not yours, sorry. 50% of these are not even accomplishments they are entitlements and USELESS programs. The Internet? HA HA
Reply:how many democrats from back then would laugh at you for claiming to be a democrat. the republicans today are more like the democrats of old. the democrats today would have been put in prison back then
Reply:Don't confuse them with the facts. As long as they can get away with portraying liberals as lazy, godless, socialist babykillers, they will. Some of them may even believe their description is accurate.
Reply:Interesting that you have to go back into history before the Liberals were taken over by the Neo-Stalinists for a list of accomplishments.
Reply:well... I mean you don't even have to list it...

one will complain how liberals do "nothing"

then in the next question complain about all the "liberal programs" they are passing and have passed...

if they did "nothing" there wouldn't be anything for the conservatives to complain about...
Reply:I am sick of it. That last great Republican to improve this country was probably Eisenhower (you can thank him for the highways).

Here's Bush's list:

Department of Homeland Security

PATRIOT Act %26lt;---disaster

Pretty poor list compared with the one the asker has.
Reply:You mean well...I know that...but c'mon...you need to know they don't respond to logic and reason. Don't waste your time.
Reply:Good example of bloated government
Reply:YES!YES! and YES! Thanks, I needed that.....lol. Conservatives have what I fondly refer to as "selective memory".
Reply:Why do you think that all of the above were voted in 100% by Liberals or Democrats? You're giving credit to one party or group where credit is deserved by many, including Republicans and Conservatives. You also need to get your facts right. Where in the hell did you get the idea that the internet was the result of Democrats or Liberals? Contrary to popular belief, Al Gore didn't invent it. It was the brain child of the Pentagon (defense), something that most Liberals loathe funding. Many of the items on your list would not be law if it were not for the Republican/ Conservative vote. Don't forget that Civil Rights laws of the 1960's didn't have a chance of passage without the (mostly) Northern State's Repubilcan vote. The entire South was essentially controlled by the redneck-Ku-Klux-Klan wing of the Democratic party. Also, there are some things on your list that I would hesitate to claim credit for since they will ultimately result in more damage than good. Some even threaten to bankrupt the country, (like Social Security %26amp; Medicare). Do you really think that the Earned Income Tax Credit is an economic accomplishment? It's simply a welfare, redistribution of wealth scheme. Family Leave? Who cares - big deal. What was the national impact - hardly nothing. Don't forget that it was a Conservative who won the Cold War when all of the Liberals were sympathizing, cowering to or negotiating with Communist murdering thugs. Don't forget that it was a Democratic controlled congress that voted to pull out of Vietnam, which directly resulted in the rise of Pol Pot and the Killing Fields in Vietnam. Also, don't forget that a Liberal Democrat President, Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal (which the Communist Chinese now control) and almost single-handedly destroyed out economy. Interest rates were high, inflation was sky-rocketing. Are you proud that Liberals have essentially ignored the 10th Amendment in the Bill of Rights that limits Federal powers? Are you proud of Liberal Supreme Court judges who ignore the Constitution and refer to their own biases and predjudices to make law rather than to interpret law? Make sure that you give credit to Liberal %26amp; Democrat blunders as well as successes. Is the next Liberal (Socialist) accomplishment going to be Universal Healthcare? Are the Liberal Democrats going to shove that Socialist boondogle down our throats even though it's failed to contain costs and maintain or increase quality of care in every country thats tried it? The answer is yes, because Socialists, which modern Liberals essentially are, think that all problems can be solved by government or centralized action. You take power and choice away from the people and give it to a relatively few politicians. You help create tax (increase) policies that burden small businesses and punish achievment. Yeah, you Socialists certainly have a lot to be proud of.
Reply:Us Neo-Cons?

Well we supported that mistaken war!!!! Yeah, and we are working hard to make sure that kids stricken with diabetes will NOT get to pursue stem cell research because we care more about the well being of those little cells then we do for the actual people today suffering diseases!!!* We are working towards making not some, but ALL Americans follow and obey OUR beliefs in Christianity. FYI, the creator of the universe hates homosexuals. Fun fact!!

We believe in taking care of the poor!!(that's about as far as we go. We actually don't take care of anybody but ourselves....shhhhh....nobody is supposed to know that part...hee hee). We support killing innocent woman and children in the name of WAR!!!!.....as long as we don't have to hear about it, see it or acknowledge it, and we like to believe that those same people love us. If they don't, then they're terrorists and deserve to die. Did I mention we love everyone!!!**

So there you go Libs. Beat that!!! HAHA.

Just to show our support for the needy, tonight we are going to burn a lower cased "t" at my compound.*** Everyone is invited!!!
Reply:The Republican list:

The Great Depression.

The Reagan tax cut.

Cut and ran from Vietnam.

Ambassador April Glaspie told Saddam it's o.k. with U.S. to invade Kuwait.

The Gulf War because Saddam believed Bush.

Military bases in Saudi Arabia which angered Al Qaeda

Attack on WTC

Attack on U.S.S. Cole

Attack on U.S. Embassy


Closed the military bases in Saudi Arabia.

Afghanistan War

Iraq War

12 million illegals
Reply:I see you include mostly programs that take money from successful people and give it to those who are not.

I did notice you are now taking credit for "The Internet"...You guys usually get mad when we laugh at you about that.

Gosh, and Cons never supported anything else.. Pathetic you folks are...

Just 1 thing on our Con list that NEEDS to be said, that provides you with all your "Social Remedies". And makes all these things possible. You will need a Dictionary though as it is not part of your vocabulary....Ready???...


Thank you for one more time giving us Conservatives a great laugh. Have a great day!!!!!
Reply:Not all conservatives put down liberals as useless. If they did it on answers, they wouldn't be on here long.
Reply:Just look at your list, Women's right to vote? This was supported by William Howard Taft, a republican and was made legal under Woodrow Wilson. The Internet? Just because Al Gore said he invented it doesn't make it true. The space program has been supported by many presidents. Didn't President Bush just say he wanted the US to make a landing base on the moon then go to Mars? You put environmental laws, which was started by Theodore Roosevelt after putting thousands of acres aside for the first national parks, and he also started food safety laws by having meat plants inspected after the book "The Jungle" came out and showed how dirty the work areas were and also for the first time in US history made company's put labels on their food items so you know what you are eating and what's in it. Were you sleeping through history class?
Reply:we are just another boogeyman that they fear. it really don't bother me,it shows they are unable to think that there is more to life than what they believe. it only appears to be a larger group attacking libs,it is really a small grouop with multiple accounts.
Reply:What I am sick of is people saying other people are useless solely because they have a different opinion on something. There are many ways to look at one thing, and the sooner we have a President that realizes that, the better.
Reply:I think our problem with the Libs, is that they've changed since the Vietnam War.

Pre-Vietnam, Liberals were strong on National Security, confronting our enemies, believed America was the shining light of the world, wanted to lead the world towards freedom, and were basically pro-capitalism (with new gov't programs thrown in.)

Post Vietnam liberals are spineless when it comes to National Security, want to appease our enemies, believe that America is the problem of the world, want the UN to lead the world, and are anti-capitalism.

I looked over your list. Liberals are responsible for the internet? Explain that one.

Most of the programs on your list can be credited to the Pre-Vietnam liberals. Can you show me a list of good liberal programs that aren't at least 30 years old?

What programs are today's liberals trying to accomplish? Gay Marriage

Tax increases

Abortion on Demand

Blaming America for 9/11

Surrendering in Iraq

Not quite the noble list as the old style liberals, huh?
Reply:Yeah, you can only belabour the obvious so much before it just gets anoying.
Reply:No abortions

No gay marriage

Tax cuts

Global war

...that's all I got...then again, I'm not one of them.

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