It would appear, growing out of his vision of the shape of the earth, Ol Country preacher Huckabee proposes to do away with the Graduated Federal Income Tax and replace it with a flat tax. This is simply an accelerated national sales tax where the government generates revenue, as in the case of gas or cigarettes on everything you buy. This often ranges between 40 and 50 percent. On first glance it seems fair. The more you spend, why the more tax you pay. That is an argument for dummies.
The fact is that wealthy people spend far less on taxable consumer goods as a percentage on their income while the middle classes and the working poor spend almost all of it. Thus as a percentage of income, the lower the income level, the higher the proportion of tax. Consistent with everything else w know about this hill billy, it is a regressive tax. Every Republican has found nirvana.
Is it any wonder why he is scoring high in places like the home of Jones University, South Carolina and the Industrial heartland of Iowa. He hasn’t said anything about foreign policy as he is just learning about it, or immigration, stem cell research, deficit spending, health insurance but I assume these will come in time as we move from the twelfth to the thirteenth century.
Have you read Huckabee's tax proposals?
I agree 100% this is yet another trick to give the rich less tax burden percentage-wise and the poor more when it should be the other way around. The reason it appears to be horrid is it completely violates the idea of taxation by income bracket and allows the rich to keep as high % of their income as the poor when, in reality, the rich need a much lower percent to obtain food shelter and clothing regardless of how high/low the "sales tax" is (caldude, the answerer above me, appears to use the sales tax argument).
When people get too poor they steal, commit crime, ruin the real-estate value of neighborhoods, break mortgages (as with the current mortgage crisis) other words not only will this proposal hurt the poor...ultimately it will hurt everyone as the entire nation, on average, becomes poorer and more dangerous as a result.
Maybe Huckabee didn't intend to hurt the poor but simply neglected the facts about how much more income brackets (which even now have fairly low taxes for the poor) effect the poor's ability to live more than simple sales taxes.
Reply:I still like Ron Paul's tax proposal best.
Reply:Sorry, but I don't understand how somebody wealthy and spending $20 million on a piece of property and another $4-5 million on a fleet of vehicles is paying less tax?
Also, grocery store food is not currently taxed, nor would it be under the flat tax. So in that aspect, the poor would not be paying anymore tax than the wealthy.
I'm not defending Huckabee, but the current taxation system sucks. I'm robbed of 30% of my income before I even see it.
Maybe instead of a flat tax or income tax, we should tax people based on their wealth accumulation (assets minus debts) instead?
Reply:I just wanted to point out one factual error in your question. The tax would not be anywhere near 40-50%, it would be a flat 23% tax on all goods.
Regarding your arguement, I think you're reaching a bit. Sure it is possible he is looking for some great new way to tax the poor and middle class, but is that really likely? At all? Huckabee is not the kind of republican who is only concerned with the rich. This is quickly apparent if you start reading about him. During his time as governor of Arkasas he did alot for the poor and middle class. Also, none of the big corporations are backing him, he has very little money compared to the other canidates. This in view, he does not seem like the kind to pander to the rich.
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